In Stock. Black Cabinet with Chrome Trimmings and Fittings.
The Hailun 120 is considered one of the best value premium grade pianos in the current market. There are other new pianos around the same price, but they are entry level, small in height, and most with no legs, feet, or slow fall lid incorporated into the design. Standing the same height as a Yamaha U1 and designed to deliver perfect sound, it has power and presence when required and is capable of keeping up with even the most demanding of pianists. What makes it different from all other acoustic pianos is its distinguished soft velvety tone.
A true family business, Hailun have built a reputation for precision and reliability among their customers. Combining their expertise with that of Mr Veletzky, a piano builder from Vienna, the business has grown to be one of the giants of piano production. During this time, Hailun has teamed up with piano designers from around the world, including: George Emerson, Zlatkovic Sibin and Ema Shigeru.
They have also worked with Stephen Paulello, the French scale designer to ensure both the cabinetry and internal works of their instruments rival those made in the long established markets. Hailun provide perfect instruments for any musician looking to buy a superb piano at an incredibly reasonable price.
Superior Parts: Reinforced German felt hammers, wood parts made of hornbeam, and an aluminium with a maple core action rail. The action is geared at professional users and aims at providing maximum performance for the pianist.
Internally the piano is a mix of German and European parts, Viennese and American design, assembled in China and exported to every continent.
- Height: 121cm
- Length: 151cm
- Depth: 59cm
- Plate: Wet Sand Cast
- Hammer felt: Reinforced German Felt
- Strings: Röslau
- Soundboard: Siberian Spruce
- Pin Block: 18 ply quarter maple saw
- Action: Hailun parts supplier
- Action material: Maple
- Action Rail: Aluminium with maple core
- Key bed: Multi-laminate basswood with maple facing
- Keys: Basswood
- Key tops: High grade Chinese produced
- Pedals: Brass
- Bridges: Hand-notched maple, dovetailed and pinned
Included: New Adjustable Matching Stool, 2 Year Warranty, Free Nationwide Ground Floor Delivery, 23% VAT
It's important to tune your piano after roughly two months, as your piano will go slightly out of tune as it acclimatizes to its new environment. Tuning Cost: €130
We provide ground floor only delivery. If the piano must go up a staircase, this is done by professional movers with insurance, and at your expense. We can recommended movers, but first require a WhatsApp video which begins at the outside of your house and then films the route through the front door and up the staircase, finishing up at the spot you would like the piano to end up. Please send video to: 0871497607